Saturday, 2 April 2011

Another One Bites the Dust! Round 18

A surprising amount of Queen fans among you all. Some great use of quotes and song titles in voting and battle descriptions in the comments.

Killer Queen came out on top at two to one. Awww poor wittle Panda.

We're going to need a hardened combatant to face the fury of Queen...




Vote for Queen or Rambo in the comments.

Winner will face 'S'omething.


  1. Still going with Queen. Can't think of nothing fancy, sure Rambo can take out an entire Vietnamese army without reloading, but he never had to fight AIDs, Something Freddy did until the very end. That and Brian May is an astrophysicist.

  2. A guy making crappy music thinking himself a god versus a guy making crappy movies thinking himself a god? Tough battle, I'd say. Sure Freddie has his not-smart-looking teeth as a weapon, but his band members get in the way, so there's probably some srious issue of friendly fire (friendly biting).

    Rambo is much less uncool, so I hope he wins and I vote for him.

  3. hmmm... this is a tough one.... i'll have to think about this....

  4. Haha, rambo! Grew up with him as an idol! hahahaha

  5. Rambo of course. How can he lose?

  6. Rambo of the 80's vs Queen of the 80's? Or is this a present day fight?

    If so, Sly Stallone is old, feeble and confused. He's mixing Rambo quotes with Rocky quotes, since both start with R.

    Meanwhile, zombie Freddie Mercury is as spry as ever. Zombies always hunger for brains...

    Fred attacks, and kills Rambo instantly... but, in a cruel twist of fate, Sly Stallone's brain is poisonous, because of the intensely low IQ. Both end up dead in a bloody heap.

    Queen wins, but Freddy is no more. Now it's just the lame Queen + Paul Rodgers that exists and tries to tour today. Same music, but not the same Queen. S could stand for spitwads, and Queen won't stand a chance without Mr Mercury.

  7. I can't even think of anything witty. Not even something lame. Rambo? So many votes already? What?! NO! Queen!

  8. Rambo has guns. It's that simple.

  9. Rambo. Queen's a disease and I'm the cure... Oh wait, that was Cobra.

  10. Queen definitely. He is the Killer Queen.

  11. I got to go with Queen as well!

  12. hahahah im with Lost in Idaho Queen wins but no more Zombie Freddy

  13. Queen and Rambo approach each other in the field of battle. The actor and the supergroup lock eyes and Mercury clears his throat.

    Rambo shoots them.

    "Yo, ya know that didn't really feel right, ya know", mumbles Rambo as he turns to walk away with Colonel Trautman at his side. "I mean, what was their plan? Did they even have one? I think that guy with the mustache was going to sing at me or something"

    Trautman shrugs, "The guy who writes this blog is God here, John, this is HIS world. Chances are you will eventually be killed by an ice cream cone, or a popular stuffed animal, or a concept like pre-destination. All depends on the votes..."

    "I hate the internet...all that stupid reading." the victor says under his breath as he and his mentor walk into the digital sunset.

  14. Ooooh, tough fight. I think I'll have to go with Rambo simply because of his arsenal.

  15. Queen is the champion, and will keep on fightin to the end

  16. I like your blog style! Keep up the great blogging!

  17. Genuinely cackled heartily at your comment Aaron!
    Thanks all. No time to count and post now, so keep voting!

  18. Freddy would kick Rambo's ass.

  19. Queen all the way. Freddie was hardcore.

  20. Ive always being a rambo fan myself!

  21. Rambo would bite the dust like all the rest. In fact good luck finding anything in the known universe that could defeat the superpower that is Queen.

  22. Rambo. Definitely no-one more crazy than that badass!

  23. Rambo....not anything personal against Freddy but Rambo would just kick his ass in a fight.

  24. Rambo wins. Rambo would kill those fairies with a bush knife no problem.


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