Thursday, 17 March 2011

Another bleedin' muppit. Round the Eleventh.

K one thing before we kick off this round.
See the little 'donate' button on the right? It would be great if one or two of you enjoyed what goes on here enough to whip out your visa card and use it. It's Paddy's Day today (Happy St. Patrick's all) and I could do with a creamy Guinness in a few hours. Thanks.

IRC vs. Jango was a tough battle to say the least. It was blow for blow for the first half before Jango pulled out the lasers and pew-pewed the proxies off the l33t hax0rz. They tried a script or two but failed to deny service to Jango's jet pack. He flew off triumphantly in a blaze of awesome. Check it for yourself here.

So, day that's in it and in honour of all that is green, I present an ugly, ugly scrap. Things are going to get dirty.

Jango preps his lasers down the street from...


Kermit! (On Paddy's Day!)
It's not easy being green, but today, it helps.

You know what to do.

Vote Jango or Kermit in the comments.

Winner faces an 'L' thing next round.


  1. Because I'm bleeding Irish I'll go for the bloody frog (sigh).

  2. I'm throwing in the miss piggy factor. If Jango tries anything, he's gonna get a HIIIYA! from the porkchop.

    Vote for Kermie.

  3. Haha, Angry Lurker. Good man yourself. ; ]

  4. I'm going to have to stick with Jango.

  5. Kermit said he will go on streets killing people if I don't vote for him!

  6. He just beat IRC, so my respects are going to Jango.

  7. Jango is getting powned by stormtroopers in 5 seconds... still I vote for him!

  8. Kermit! Cause its not easy being green!

  9. Hey that donate button is a great idea! Ill look into adding one on mine! Tell you what when i have 1000 followers ill come donate enough for a pint!

  10. well hard duel now :< but anyway jango for me

  11. Jango Fett would destroy Kermit, even on St. Patrick's Day.

  12. I guess I pick Jango Fett, Bounty hunters are awesome, and he is a bounty hunter, so he is awesome!

  13. Kermit all the way, I'm still mad IRC got offed.

  14. Jango Fett will make a Baconator out of the pig and some frog stew out of kermit JANGO FTW

  15. my vote is for Kermit...
    he can get in Jango´s suit then onto his mouth and start eating him from inside, also being a frog he can jump very high becoming a difficult target for Jango.

  16. Kermit. One hand up and one hand on his crotch.

  17. Nobody beats Kermit, except Miss Piggy...

  18. LOL@ Angry Lurker

    I'm going with Kermit too, on account that this ongoing competition needs to dip back into the weird...

  19. Alright, have to give it to Kermit by an inch

  20. Muppets, those dirty scum. Jango all the way!

  21. Jango, no further explanation needed

  22. That's all folks. Voting is closed. Check back soon for the results (it has been a vurry exciting duel).

  23. Know I missed the boat on this but my vote is for Jango.


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